Pain reliever and antipyretic
It is prescribed for weak or severe pain. This drug is the treatment of choice in osteoarthritis.
In terms of the classification of drugs used during pregnancy, this drug is in group C, and its use is allowed only with the prescription of a specialist. Taking acetaminophen codeine during pregnancy may cause physical dependence in the fetus and respiratory depression in the newborn. It is forbidden to use codeine during breastfeeding because it turns into morphine in the body and morphine is secreted in milk. It may cause life-threatening complications or death of the baby even with therapeutic doses.
Tempraphen – C ® has no side effects or causes mild side effects at recommended doses. Unlike aspirin, acetaminophen does not irritate the stomach and does not increase bleeding time. Acetaminophen may rarely cause an allergic reaction. Codeine causes constipation more than other opioids, especially when the treatment is chronic and long-term. Common side effects of acetaminophen codeine include nausea, drowsiness and dizziness.